Farm Practices

With less than 2 percent of the U.S. population involved in farming today, many people don't have the opportunity to visit a dairy farm.
Add the fact that most people are three or four generations removed from the farm, and you find a pretty big information gap. The information below will help you bridge that agricultural gap and learn more about the farm practices that take place every day on dairy farms here in Florida, and all around the country.
Cow Care
Treating animals with respect and compassion is part of every dairy farmer's heritage. Simply put, no dairy farmer can succeed without healthy and content cows.
Dairy Quality
Milk is among the most highly regulated foods in the country. Maintaining milk’s freshness and quality is a job that starts at the farm and continues through processing.
Environmental Safeguards
There’s an old saying about farmers being the first environmentalists. Caring for the land, water and air remains a daily commitment by dairy farmers. Most dairy farmers make their home at the farm, giving them even more incentive to be a good neighbor and protect natural resources.
Modern Technology
Farmers have a vested interest in protecting wetlands, eco-diversity and other natural resources. For centuries, they’ve used traditional methods such as crop rotation and mulching to preserve the fertility of the land. Today, dairy farmers have even more options at their disposal to help reduce their environmental footprint.
Safekeeping Farms
The dairy industry works hand-in-hand with government agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and others to safeguard the nation’s milk supply.
Making the Grade
Environmental practices on all dairy farms are tightly regulated by both federal and state agencies. While requirements vary from state to state, dairy farmers strive to meet these standards consistently. In fact, many farmers go beyond what is asked of them.